UK: Sophie Ellis-Bextor Won’t Go to Eurovision

  United Kingdom – The singer Sophie Ellis-Bextor, known for hits like “Murder on the Dancefloor” and “Bittersweet,” said in an interview that she would reject a proposal to go to Eurovision for fear of being humiliated. According to her, her instincts tell her not to do this, as she thinks  it is too risky. “The UK is not popular in Eurovision and it’s not all about the song”, Sophie added.

Years of Terry Wogan’s mockery and bad press seem to bear fruit.

10 thoughts on “UK: Sophie Ellis-Bextor Won’t Go to Eurovision

  1. Sophie is correct with her comments on Terry Wogan,he did everything possible to make the ESC unpopular in the UK. He mocked the contest and the press followed in suit.Yes the UK entries over the past 20 years have been poor and the press have judged the contest on the UK entries and not really looked at other ESC countries and how they have got stronger and professional.Wogan leaving the contest after the 2008 ESC was the best news.Other countries are not against UK in general and have not voted us well because UK have simply sent in dreadful songs.
    If the UK sent in a class singer with an exceptionally great song then our ESC neighbours would vote for it.The voting public of europe should not be insulted by saying that they are against the UK , they simlpy think the UK song are of poor quality, and rightly so

  2. I think Sophie won’t go since her live singing is less than convincing (don’t get me wrong her songs are great on record). She could actually use the publicity given her recent string of failures.

  3. Frankly, I don’t think criticizing ESC is a bad thing as long as you don’t do it to lower the interest, as Terry Wogan apparently did, instead of trying to repair some flaws…

  4. For DECADES, the media in the UK has treated the contest with the worst kind of contempt and condescension, ridiculing every other country’s entries and acting like the whole thing was beneath them – yet every year they send washed-out D-list garbage and expect to be voted en masse by the same people they condescend. Maybe a bit of humble pie and the recognition that pop music from non-English speaking countries is automatically crap would go a long way to turn their Eurovision record around.

    • Exactly its the same reason Loreen failed to secure a number 1 or 2 position in the charts becuase the radio stations are eurovision snobs and think that any R’n’B/pop music from mainland europe is shit compared to pop/R’n’B muisc from America and UK. If Loreen had being American or British and had nothing to do with eurovision she would have being sailing the charts at number 1 for at least two weeks in a row, the abysmal american shit that got our number 1 that week loreen entered our charts was a complete insult to the Swedish! The reason it didnt do as well as what it should have done is becuase UK radio stations just didnt give it enough air play they perfered to play old singles, american mostly as usaul.

  5. Its sad how in the UK, people that don’t win or rank within the Top 10, are humiliated in the public and the press.

    That is what needs to change in the country if they want to win again or at least get a decent placing. Otherwise, they’ll be chasing away all these great singers such as Sophie from participating.

  6. It’s a pity..Sophie Ellis Bextor is one of the british artists I really appreciate at this time and it’s truly a shame that such a way of thinking is popular in the UK. I do hope she changes her mind.

  7. I’d perfer new artists and artists that have not let had the chnace to showcase thier tallent to sing for us Calvin Goldspink who used to be in S Club Juniors, Brad Kavanagh, Lucien Lavescount, Conor Maynard, Stooshe, Little Mix, Emeli Sande, Bo Bruce and Leanne from the Voice 2012.

  8. Pingback: Digital Spy Forums: Sophie Ellis-Bextor appearing despite snubbing Eurovision | REIKI MUSIC

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