Harel Skaat blames diaspora

Israel – This year’s participant for Israel Harel Skaat has found explanations for his bad 14th place in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. Before the Final Israel was one of the favourites to win the competition, but only achieved a 14th place (maybe also because Harel didn’t sing too well that night). In an interview with Channel 2 News after the contest Harel stated: “I really enjoyed it. I’m very glad I did it in the way I did it, as the reactions were very good, and as an evidence you can see the three (Marcel Bezençon) prizes we won. There is a big dissonance between what happened with the song until now and what happened during the voting. It’s easy to say that they don’t like us in Europe but I still don’t know. I admit that during the voting I laughed because the block and diaspora-voting was really ridiculous.

The fact that Germany won, a country without usual blocks or a big diaspora stays commented by Harel as well as Belgium’s 6th place and other indications that this year was not dominated too much by diaspora or block-voting.

Bad looser!?

33 thoughts on “Harel Skaat blames diaspora

  1. I definitely dislike this guy, he’s sooo annoying! You know what, Israel’s song was horrible, I don’t even know why they won the Marcel Benzecon awards, as they don’t deserve them! He is such a bad looser!

  2. I did like the song. But the performance in Oslo never topped the one in the national final. He sang out of key on two important moments in the song. That killed him.

  3. Denial much?

    I do like the song; I really do. But there was the “note of doom” in the final that he SLAUGHTERED, and that same note was then shown during the reprise during the last moments of televoting, and that was enough to turn me off — and again, I was very much FOR the song.

    Had he kept the original arrangement and not tried to show off with vocal gymnastics, he would have placed much higher, IMO.

  4. Now now Jason, that’s hardly necessary. I’m Jewish and from Israel and am actually surprised we did as well as we did, and I don’t think any of our recent singers had an “it’s everyone’s fault but me” approach that Har’el seems to be displaying.

    • I liked very much Mira and Noa, their song deserved a higher position.But Harel’s song was very boring.If you send a balad please choose something interesting like Georgian entry this year.

  5. Sour grapes… He ought to take Josh’s good example. I think he took his being last in stride.

    “Nobody likes us”… Please. Israel’s done not too badly for itself at the ESC. Some countries would give their right arm for Israel’s record.

    • To be honest (as German): I don’t like the way Lena sings (or even speaks sometimes), but that’s her style. She never tried to sing a ballad like Milim – and if she would, she had to reanrange it to her style. Just listen to Satellite by Jennifer Brown: an excellent ballad, complete different song!

      But if you sing Milim as a ballad you should be able to do it. An that’s Harel mistake: he wasn’t able (final acceptable, but Semi!). Plus: We had too many ballads in the final. Could have done better in other years!

      • Watch the two clips from the final again and compare. Harel was off key. Lena just went out and, though I agree she can’t sing well, she thoroughly enjoyed herself and that was infectious. The song was catchy, she was having a ball and it hit a chord with viewers, both juries and televoters. She nailed it – good for her.

    • I agree. Actually it is all about money. Most European countries complained about the cost of hosting the event and Germany have the strongest economy at the present time in Europe. Hmmm, maybe that help Lena a little bit, although I liked her. I did like Harel and the song too. Maybe if it was in English… it’s too late.

  6. I do not think he finished 14 th because he did not sing perfectly. Harel is not on the top 10 list most missed notes..
    I can maybe accept the reason of too many ballads…but people also prefer songs on english…if Lena sang on german…would she won??

  7. The Top Ten of the Most Notes Missed looks like this:

    Spain (second performance)
    Iceland (tie with Spain’s first performance)*

    I found it on esc today, no ISRAEL!

  8. I agree with him. I’m so disappointed, he didn’t win :( Harel, don’t worry about the notes on ESC! Don’t think, that Europe don’t like Israel. I’m from Poland and I don’t like you too… Because I love you! :P And I’m sure not only I :) I wish you a lot of success! For me you’re the best!!! :)

  9. Haha Malta said the same^^
    I think he placed 14th partly because of the vocals and partly because the song did not go home like the betting thought it would.
    I still loooooove it though:)

  10. I agree that the voting at this years’s ESC was rubbish. How did Croatia, Bulgaria and Sweden miss the final when awful songs like Russia and Belarus made it.

    In that vain, i agree with Harel, the voting is a joke!

    • Just because some of the songs you liked didn’t qualify you call the voting a joke???
      I think it’s a joke that Harel takes the easy way out and uses the old diaspora argument, when GERMANY won and BELGIUM came 6th. Are they known for having a big diaspora?
      It was his bad vocal performance that killed the song! He should live with that.Stupid pretty boy ^^

  11. diaspora is not an old argument, it has a big influence
    some of those huge votes which go for someones neighbour are joke.
    I am not saying he should win, but he definetly did not deserved to be behind Ovo je Balkan..right?

    • Oh, please. The Serbian entry was cool, although the stage show at the finals wasn’t as funny as in the official video (national finals?). They definitely should have done better.

      Fact is, although Harel is a great singer and had some great songs (like Od Yair Alay, which might actually have had good chances to win), this song was a) just another lame ballad and b) his performance sucked, in both semi and final. He howled like a dog that’s tortured by a brain tumor or something…

      Also, Shiri Maimon placed fourth with a similar kind of ballad. Big difference: She wasn’t a pain to listen to (plus very nice boobs to look at, of course)

      So, block/diaspora voting didn’t play much of a role in this. I don’t think even the Jews wanted to call for it after this performance. He only got 1 point from France, after all, and France has a big Jewish diaspora. But if you want to bash Russian Israelis for helping Russia to place 11th (with that horrible crap song), carry on, I’m with you on that…

  12. I’m not sure what Harel Skaat meant by his comment. He had a couple of off-nights that’s all, no big deal. A lot of big stars have off-nights, good lord even Whitney Houston. Don’t believe me just search youtube. If Whitney can have a bad night or Aretha, then Harel can too. Besides it wasn’t like all the singers were really excellent. They were all under a lot of pressure. Israel should never had changed the song from the way it was at the national final, adding all those high parts. It wasn’t necessary and it probably cost them a top 10 finish.

  13. Sweet people,why are you writing such nasty things about this talented young singer?Becuase he sang one sound ‘off key’?Yes,he did.So what?!Does it make him a bad singer at once as some of you stated above?He CAN sing and does it amazingly.Just listen to him singing live in other concerts,you’ll see.He sounds great and sings always IN TUNE.And in Oslo,well…the emotions were so big,maybe he got too nervous and didn’t manage to cope with the stress or didn’t hear himself,or tried too hard or just had a worse day.Who knows?It’s not a reason to judge him so severely. It could happen to anyone.Be more understanding for him.
    I agree that they shouldn’t have changed the initial version of the song. In one of his interviews Harel says that he always gets very stressed before going on a stage and hates contests, so…he knows himself and shouldn’t have added those extra high parts to the song.It was dramatic enough without them and it would be easier for him to perform the song.But still, I liked it very much,VERY MUCH.I was deeply moved and had tears in my eyes.Although I didn’t understand a single word I felt the song and knew what he was singing about.I respect him for singing it in his native language.And that ‘off key’ at the very end of the performance didn’t ruin my opinion of him as a singer and the song itself at all.Maybe he didn’t win because of that ‘off key’ but he surely deserved a higher place,much higher one.
    Harel is a very talented charismatic young singer with an amazing warm moving voice.I wish him good luck with the whole my heart

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